Blitz (326/640)

Date:7 Sep 99 at 07:20:41
Subject:Re: Update on FreeBlitz


>> Also, please don't mail Steve if you have problems.

actually, people can feel free to mail me - it just might
take a few weeks/months to get an answer :-)

I guess best place to email is me at work
as I'm not always at home to check my email every day

> Are they going to put the source to the RED Mapeditor on there, I had
>a look, it doesn't seem to be in the archives?

I'll have a word with Steve McNamara - the guy who wrote

> A couple of bits are in C, I noticed :)

I think that's mainly the stuff from Aminet's C-based
library. There is also a couple of hours worth of effort
at writing SuperTED in C.... :-)


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