Blitz (329/640)

From:Curt Esser
Date:7 Sep 99 at 13:27:39
Subject:Re: NTSC

Hi Sami

On 07-Sep-99, Sami N��t�nen wrote:

>> That's what I meant - NTSC modes work fine on my TV, and it's nothing
>> special. Same with my brother's TV and my last TV! And I've never had
>> any need to adjust syncs or whatever...
>> Of course, the easy way out is to make it 200 (or 400?) high for both
>> systems, and ForcePAL/NTSC as needed (BTW They hit Enforcer, so you
>> might get complaints if you do this while in Amiga mode! There are
>> replacements in...StatsFuncs.lha :)

Actually the best solution in Amiga mode is to use a ScreenMode requester
and let 'em pick for themselves...
>> You should give PAL users the option to use NTSC mode too, cos I
>> personally prefer 200-high screens to fill the whole thing (which
>> it does in NTSC mode)...
> Well all PAL amigas, which have colour composite output (read amiga 1200
> ;) can convert the NTSC screen to 60Hz PAL and all Commodore monitors can
> show this and so does almost every TV too. If you use RGB output, then
> some tv's can't display the picture, because they does NOT have RGB input.
> For NTSC amigas I think they have something similar, but I don't know if
> NTSC tv's can show NTSC 50Hz displays. So anybody have possibility to plug
> NTSC 1200 for NTSC tv and put the Amy in PAL?

Yes - I tried this again to be sure:

A1400T NTSC Amiga

Composite output hooked to TV (tested with "forced" screens, and with
screens selected with ScreenMode requester)


NTSC lo-res : OK
NTSC hi-res laced : OK
PAL lo-res : picture "rolls" - if corrected with vertical synch
(very tricky to stop rolling) bottom of screen is not shown
PAL hi-res-laced : same as PAL lo-res

Output to PC style Multi-synch monitor through flicker-fixer/scan-doubler

All standard PAL and NTSC screenmodes OK (including Blitz-mode)

Normal RGB output - can't test (I have no monitor that can use it)

The problem for NTSC TV's is simple - there are just too many scan lines in
PAL modes to be displayed by a NTSC TV


Yours electronically,
Curt Esser

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