Blitz (333/640)

Date:7 Sep 99 at 14:46:43
Subject:Re: SuperTED etc source...

>Some of the latest additions that (afaik?) never got released are
>interesting to say the least =]

Which are? :-)

>Obvious things missing here are a few includes for some of the libraries
>and resident files (LVO.res which I could create myself if I wasn't so
>lazy :) , SBRA.res which is work aroundable, datatype.res which I could
>create myself too probably, ahi.res - same deal and custom.res which I have
>NO idea what it should contain:)...

Me neither :-)

>The codes for the acidlibs changes aren't there (which is needed if anyone
>wants to recompile the LESDebugger). That's probably the only things I'd
>really like, pwetty pwease =]

I'll have a dig around...

>Oh, and the acidlibs compiler would be nice ;]

Hmmm, is it called 'makeacidlibs' ... can't remember..I'll have
a look

>blitz2.s was archived, twice =] (one archive contained foo.lha which had
>blitz2.s in it again, I didn't check to see if one was a later version than
>the other)...

Ooops..I didn't actually mean to include it! Oh well, I've no
idea what version it is....

>Thanks a lot for accomplishing the FreeBlitz project! I'm sure those
>archives will keep many asmers (looks at Fred;) amused for a while =]

It was only a 2 minute job - my original plan was to write some
documentation explaining everything, but as the code is well over
a year old......

>One question... did RWE create a header for .bb2 files? Some of the BSS
>libs seem to have garbage at the top of the file... either it's a new
>format with a header (but the rest was left the same) or an external editor
>was being used... just got my curiosity up that's all =]

Yes, SuperTED supported a new file format (to allow for things
such as breakpoints, folded procedures) I think a new fileformat
file contains "BB22" at the start - anything else is the old
version. I think the loading code is in ted.library.s


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