Blitz (353/640)

From:Vic E Babes
Date:8 Sep 99 at 10:55:18
Subject:Re: NTSC

> Of course, the easy way out is to make it 200 (or 400?) high for both
> systems, and ForcePAL/NTSC as needed (BTW They hit Enforcer, so you
> might get complaints if you do this while in Amiga mode! There are
> replacements in...StatsFuncs.lha :)
> You should give PAL users the option to use NTSC mode too, cos I
> personally prefer 200-high screens to fill the whole thing (which
> it does in NTSC mode)...

I can easily add an option for use in NTSC or PAL, I was just worried about
the graphics looking elongated on NTSC, and of course, the player won`t be
able to see as much of the game area on NTSC. I think I`ll add a CLI
argument to choose between them.

Thanks for all the help.


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