Blitz (376/640)

Date:11 Aug 99 at 12:57:20
Subject:Re: Amiga is dead...

Hey all

My thoughts on this...

We've survived so far, and we've survived through worse. Anyone who still
sticks to the amiga after all the shit its been through isnt going to give
it all up now.

I mean even if this announcment actually turns out to be true, what's the
actual difference difference going to be? Gw2k
werent actually going to create any more hardware anyway.. leaving this to
third parties... right?

If Gw2k will agree to give these third parties a licence (and why shouldnt
they?) then I think (for example) a new phase 5 Amiga compatible would be a
much better option. (They've never let us down in the past). The only
problem I can see here being setting the standard that everyone can agree on
(cpu, hardware interfaces etc).

We already have the standards for the OS and software.. they just need to
be built upon. And I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to jump at
that chance, as a new amiga would be a computing revolution.

The amiga is far from dead, if we have anything to do with it :)


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*A1200T MC68060/50, 16Mb Ram, 2mb AGA, 1.2Gb HD,*
*2x SCSI CD, 2x 880k floppy, 56k Modem*

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