Blitz (400/640)

From:Mikkel L�kke
Date:13 Sep 99 at 08:15:46
Subject:Re: Please help. Timor dies, Timor lives

At 13:43 11-09-99 +0000, you wrote:

>Mr. President
>The east-timorese people is being victim of a second genocide.
>We demand the immediate sending of a UN peace-keeping force, right now.
>The respect for international legality is being threatened.*

So what ? they havn't got any money. Hell, 99% of all americans don't even
know what timor is, and they really don't care either.

Do you really think the USA is going to spend a shit load of money to save
a bunch of poor sorry arse foreingers ? Get real ! If you havn't got any
money, the USA isn't fucking interested, okay ?

Now, I personally feel sorry for the tomorese people, but there isn't much
I can do, and these no way in hell the USA is going to do anything either.

Maybe you'd be better of asking Russia or something.


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