Blitz (519/640)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:21 Sep 99 at 19:08:41
Subject:Re: GTText gadgets

I watched as Mikkel Lokke hammered "Re: GTText gadgets" out on their

> "You then have to connect wire #2 with the pin labeled _GND+ and solder
> the green wire onto the 555 timer circuit"

> Okay, so now after this breif electronics statement everything is totally
> fucked up. In YAM. Load the message into SPOT or THOR or another program
> that UNDERSTANDS the standard, and you'll see the above text correctly (or
> turn of text styles)

Erm....I use YAM and it looks fine to me. No coloured text or anything.

Rick Hodger - Programmer for #Pagan Software#

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