Blitz (529/640)

From:Neil Bullock
Date:22 Sep 99 at 19:13:13
Subject:More of those damn Blitz problems


Since my copy of Blitz on my hard disk was crashing more frequently, and
becoming so unstable, I decided to remove all trace of Blitz from my hard
disk, so I could start again.

After re-installing it, it seems to work. I installed Blitz from the Blitz CD,
followed by the BigDefLibs, followed by the BSS.

When I compile and run a program for the first time after starting Blitz, it
works fine sometimes, but crashes other times. For instance, it can work fine,
till I quit the program to go back to the Blitz Editor, but after 5 seconds,
it will crash. Other times, it will crash during compilation.

I'm getting fed up with Blitz now. I've tried disabling everything I have
running, Newicons, etc. but to no avail. It still crashes.

I'm getting sick of it now, so can anyone suggest any reasons why it may
behave so irratically? What other information would you need to offer advice?

Thanks in advance...


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