Blitz (635/640)

From:Jonas Thorell
Date:29 Sep 99 at 22:08:32
Subject:RE: CD 32 mastering

Ott M. Aaloe wrote:

> The question is what would I need to create a bootable CD for CD32?
> I have all the CD burners and software for it possible to make
> an Amiga CD 32 disk on a PC and make it also bootable (on CD32)
> Any info on that matter is welcome! Thanks!

If I don't remember wrong there's a special file that needs to be
in the root of the CD for the CD32 to be able to boot from
it. I don't remember the name of it on the top of my head
but it can be found on the Developer CD. Plus the
usual with s:startup-sequence etc.


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