Blitz (81/640)

From:Curt Esser
Date:17 Aug 99 at 00:32:57
Subject:Re: Is there a utility that......

Hi Rob

On 16-Aug-99, Rob Hutchinson wrote:
> Hello, and what not,
> You can give a command name and then it scans your blitzlibs
> to find out which library the command belongs to?
> Now that would be useful.
> I know Curts investigator tells you which libraries you are
> using in your source? Does it do this aswell?

Sort of... It reads thru your libraries, and saves a master data list (for
it's own use) that contains the Lib name and command list for each library
you have.
This is a plain text file, so you could load it up in a text reader or
editor and do a search for the command you want.

The only problem is that the libs in AcidLibs are not named, so the data
list only shows the lib number for them - sorry, but this is because the
library's names are not included in the AcidLibs file...

Or, you could just make a list of the command names you want to find out
about in the Blitz editor, save this as a source code, and run the
Investigator on it...

There is also another utility on my website that will give you a listing of
the commands from any selected libraries (including AcidLibs and DefLibs) -
it's output can be sent to your printer, to disk, or simply be displayed in
a window.
This one can also be used as a Super-Ted plug-in module (you can call it
from the SuperTed menu, and the window will open on SuperTed's screen)

Although neither of these does exactly what you want, the full source is
included with both, so you could probably hack 'em up to do what you


Yours electronically,
Curt Esser

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