Blitz (9/640)

Date:10 Aug 99 at 23:33:46
Subject:Re: Getting slightly off-topic (was Re: AHI the revenge!)

Hi John
On the 10-Aug-99 you said something about Getting slightly off-topic (was Re: AHI the revenge!) so now I am going to offer a witty retort (well maybe :)

> Does anyone know if there's a difference between normal WAV files
> and RIFF-WAV files? I have one of these and it won't play with
> anything I've tried (Play16, SongPlayer, etc). It almost seems like
> it's compressed in some way.

Its probably compressed by MP3. A lot of WAV's from large sites (like have been compressed with MP3, to save space. But you
say that it still won't work in songplayer! Conseuqnelty, I can't help
ya. Try AMPlifeier, that might work (its on aminet)

Gareth Griffiths

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