C (100/301)

From:Damir Arh
Date:02 Aug 99 at 09:17:55
Subject:Cycle gadget problem

From: Damir Arh <damir.arh@guest.arnes.si>


I have come accross a very strange problem. I have a few gadtools cycle
gadgets in my program and strangely their contents suddenly don't appear
centred (they did before, but after some changes in the code - IIRC none
directly related to cycle gadgets - they don't any more). I'm really
clueless about it. Does anyone have any smart ideas, what could be the
reason for it.

It certainly is a problem, as although there is enough space for the text,
it is written to much to the left and so doen't fit in any more. I guess
that for the same reason these gadgets aren't compatible to the CycleToMenu
patches and so result in strange effects. I would send in some code, but I
don't know which part would be essential.

I'd appreciate any suggestions. I could try to give further details if
anyone needs them and is really interested.

Kind regards

Damir Arh <damir.arh@guest.arnes.si>
WWW: http://www2.arnes.si/~gkrjes12/

Owner of A1200T/030 @ 50MHz, 32MB Fast RAM
and Intel Celeron 300A with 96 MB RAM and ATI Rage Pro AGP 4 MB

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau