C (147/301)

From:Jesper Svennevid
Date:10 Aug 99 at 20:30:31
Subject:RE: ENV and ENVARC

From: "Jesper Svennevid" <jesper@fxrealm.com>

> From: "Lloyd Rosen" <seasons@softhome.net>
> Another question :)
> When I save my prefs settings, should I save to
> BOTH env: and envarc:, since env: is in RAM ?

Yep, that's correct... Even though many people use HappyENV for
their ENV:, others don't. :) You could implement a simple save/use
feature by both saving prefs to ENVARC: and ENV: when the user
selects 'save', and just to ENV: when he selects 'use'.

// Jesper Svennevid : jesper@fxrealm.com
Software Developer At FXRealm Studios : http://www.fxrealm.com/