C (236/301)

From:Martyn Capewell
Date:10 Aug 99 at 18:16:23
Subject:Re: Point()

From: Martyn Capewell <martyn@jubileeweb.freeserve.co.uk>

Hello Mike

On 08-Aug-99, you wrote:

> From: Mike Carter <mike.carter@bigfoot.com>
> Hi all!
> Trying to knock out a point command (as found in Basic)
> tonight.
> The requirement of the command is to take an X,Y
> co-ords and bitmap pointer and return the colour value at a given
> position. Thing is this has gotta work with GFX cards
> (P96 / CGX) and AGA. The choice for bitmap storing was
> GUIGFX.library using the LoadPicture() command.

Is the image stored as a Bitmap or a Picture, as returned by LoadPicture()?

If it's a Picture, you could make sure it's in a known byte format, using


Then get a pointer to that data using:


Then examine the pixel data directly.


- Martyn Capewell
{ Compsci, University of Cambridge }
{ http://members.xoom.com/legerdemain0 }