C (241/301)

From:Richard Drummond
Date:20 Aug 99 at 09:45:36
Subject:Recognizing an 060

From: "Richard Drummond" <richard.drummond@futurenet.co.uk>

Hello All.

Does anybody know the proper way to check whether a piece of software is
running on an 060 (with an 060 FPU)?

I assume that SetPatch sets the ExecBase->AttnFlags to some appropriate
value, but since the V40 includes only define flags up up to an 040, I'm a
bit stuck. My machine reports the contents of AttnFlags as 0x80FF. I know
what the least significant 7 bits are for - what about the rest?

Any help appreciated.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

mailto: richard.drummond@futurenet.co.uk
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