C (260/301)

Date:18 Aug 99 at 14:55:20
Subject:RE: saving an ilbm

From: Rod_MacLean@uk.ibm.com

Bob wrote:
> Also, when I compile with SAS I get "enter a
> DEFINE value for _saveilbm (default ___stub):"
> I think I have included all the headers from
> iffp/ that I need, and the files from modules/
> directory.

Have you linked against saveilbm.o?

> Does anybody have an example of a good way to
> save a window as an ilbm?

I've tried using IFF.library and it is quite simple
but I haven't quite mastered getting the palette
sorted out yet... (I can't get it to save with more
than 5 planes of palette information)

Rod MacLean - IT Specialist
L2L, IBM Perth (tel 01738 894135)
IEA GBIB1S3U @ IBMMAIL (rod_maclean@uk.ibm.com)