C (262/301)

From:Yves Grabowsky
Date:08 Aug 99 at 18:27:53
Subject:Re: Screen Pointer

From: YvesGrabowsky@t-online.de (Yves Grabowsky)

Hello Mike,

On 08-Aug-99 wrote Mike Carter (mike.carter@bigfoot.com):
> From: Mike Carter <mike.carter@bigfoot.com>
> How can I find the screen structure of the default
> public screen, ie Workbench/Scalos/Dopus ? I'm not
> using MUI.
> I know I can get a screen pointer from the Window
> strcuture but I need to know it* before* I open the
> window in my program :-/
> Hope somebody can pointer me intothe right direction?
> ;)

Try intuition.library/LockPubScreen(), pass NULL as argument for default


Yves Grabowsky
*ICQ:* 18762984

Author of AminetFTPMail, AminetGetFTP, AmiURLRequester and SeekHTTP



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