C (297/301)

From:Martyn Capewell
Date:03 Aug 99 at 17:06:47
Subject:Re: VBCC and MUI

From: Martyn Capewell <martyn@jubileeweb.freeserve.co.uk>

Hello Volker

On 01-Aug-99, you wrote:

> This is SAS specific code. Try to insert the following code in some header
> file:
> #define __asm
> #define __a0 __reg("a0")
> ...
> #define __a7 __reg("a7")
> #define __d0 __reg("d0")
> ...
> #define __d7 __reg("d7")

I've replaced constructs like "register __a0" with "__reg("a0")" in
all the appropriate places, and now have the dispatcher function prototyped as:

__saveds __asm ULONG MyDispatcher(__reg("a0") struct IClass *cl,__reg("a2") Object *obj,__reg("a1") Msg msg);

I've also integrated the necessary parts of demo.h into the main source
file, rewriting compiler specific #ifdef etc. into VBCC friendly code, but
this hasn't helped either.

The code is a bit large (7K) to post here, so I've uploaded it to my web site,
so anyone who knows more than me can take a look:


Any help much appreciated.


- Martyn Capewell
{ Compsci, University of Cambridge }
{ http://members.xoom.com/legerdemain0 }