C (43/301)

From:Fritsch Alexander
Date:26 Aug 99 at 09:10:50
Subject:AW: Amiga Developer CD's

From: Fritsch Alexander <Alexander.Fritsch@icn.siemens.de>

> From: "Kevin Bewley" <kevin.bewley@camr.org.uk>
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Amiga Dev CD 1.2?
> I've phoned around and I've been told they don't make it anymore! :-(

at www.amiga-plus.de!

Order form:
Bestellnummer 502 0000
Ich bestelle:... St�ck Developer CD 1.2
zum St�ckpreis von DM 24,80
zuz�glich 3 Mark Porto und Verpackung.
Endpreis: DM 27,80
Der Versand erfolgt nur per Vorkasse, also bitte einen Scheck beilegen.

That means inside Germany you pay 27,80 DM for one copy including package
and shipping. You have to put a cheque into the letter.

ICP Verlag
Innere Cramer-Klett-Stra�e 6
90403 N�rnberg

You may better try to phone them and ask for internatinal delivery
+49 911 5325320 (voice)
+49 911 5325215 (fax)

If they can not help you (and only than) you could have a look at
On this page are some essentials...

Kind regards Alexander Fritsch
