C (87/301)

From:Tim Hanson
Date:12 Aug 99 at 21:31:18
Subject:Cgx question. (fwd)

From: Tim Hanson <msinister@connectfree.co.uk>

Hi Folks,
I got this mail and am completely unable to answer the question. I`ve
recommended to him he joins this list but I said I`d send him any replies I
got from you lot.
BTW can anyone remember how to subscibe to this list?

*** Forwarded message, originally written by Emanuele Cesaroni on 12-Aug-99
#Hello member of Amiga Development Resources.#
#I am Emanuele an Italian coder and i am writing you to do you gently a#
#From about two years i am developing a game, a PuzzleBobble clone, named#
#PuzzleBOBS, a AmigaOS friendly game whom is able to exploit graphic boards#
#other Amiga expansions.#
#For this reason supports CyberGraphX and Picasso96, but while with Picasso96#
#and custom Amiga screens all is ok, with CyberGraphX i get a very big#
#I examined this problem and now i know that it is due to the replacement#
#by the Cgx team of a system graphic function BltMaskBitMapRastPort() that do#
#not allow to do blits with inverted masks, a particular blit allowed by the#
#standard amiga bitmaps and Picasso96 bitmaps.#
#This blit has as minterm $b8 [ (NOTB and A) or (B and C)] but has the same#
#effect of the $e2 minterm [(B and A) or (NOT B and C)] (in theory should#
#do the inverted action).#
#I tryed to do all the 256 combinations in a Cgx screen using the#
#BltMaskBitMapRastPort() function and i saw that i get only two types of#
#One is the right blit trought a mask ($ca,$e2) and the rimanent 128 blits#
#look like #
#the dest=src minterm blit.#
#I ask you gently if you know this problem, and if you do if you can say me#
#why Cgx do not allows this type of blit.#
#If you are not able to help me, gently i ask you if is possible to find#
#somebody with whom i can speak directly about this trouble.#
#Thank you very much for your attention and availability, and excuse#
#me for my (very little) english.#
#Emanuele Cesaroni.#
#emacesa@tin.it #
*** End of forwarded message ***

Tim Hanson,
by the River,Canterbury, Kent.
Amiga A1200T,`040/25,603e/160,32MB Fast,BVisionPPC,
Don`t waste your time by visiting