C (94/301)

From:Rod Schnell
Date:29 Aug 99 at 21:48:49
Subject:Re: Creating catalogs for NewMenus

From: Rod Schnell <rodsch@telusplanet.net>

Hello Darryl

On 29-Aug-99, Darryl Hartwig wrote:
> From: Darryl Hartwig <darrylh@powerup.com.au>
> Hello peoples,
> I'm creating a catalog description for my program. I've set up my menus
> using NewMenu structure in a .h file. How do I go about setting up the
> catalog description (.cd) file for this?

Declare your struct NewMenu array with default strings, then loop through
it's members assigning locale strings to menu[i].nm_Label as appropriate.
You may also need to set nm_CommKey. Then call CreateMenus, LayoutMenus and
attach to window.
