Title Archipelago
Game Type 3D Combat Sim
Players 1
Compatibility ECS (AGA's ECS-chipset emulation works, disable caches)
HD Installable HD-patch: from Bert Jahn's WHDLoad page
Submission Dino Dini
One of those games I picked up a long time ago (around 1991) in some
discount rack, but I played it for a while. The actual details of the rules
escape me now. The game was interesting at the time as it used a 3D display
although it was not in any way real time. That was OK, as it was a puzzle
game after all. The biggest criticism of it was that the gameplay was
rather repetitive.
I am always impressed with games that have designed to work well within
constraints. In this case, although it was not a classic like Lemmings or
Sim City, I kept going back to playing it as a break from coding my soccer
game (the one that eventually became GOAL!) for some time.
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