Batman Returns
Title Batman Returns
Publisher Gametek (1993)
Game Type Beat-em-up
Players 1
HD Installable No
Compatibility All Amigas
Submission Dennis Smith
Movie tie-in games have had a bad name for as long as they have existed.
They tend to be weak games using the name of a popular movie to sell more
copies. Batman Returns is something of an exception. Batman Returns is
much, much worse than any other movie cash-in I have ever seen. After OK
title-pictures have outlined a seemingly irrelevant prologue you get to
take the part of a small Batman sprite as he leaps and dances like a badly
controlled marionette in an attempt to kick and punch on-coming assailants.
The control is nearly intuitive but slow to react; you'll find it difficult
to do much damage to individual enemies, never mind several at once and
after Batman gets knocked out on the first level you'll feel no desire to
play any more. Recycle it.
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