Title Falcon
Game Type Flight Sim
Players 1 (2 with linkup)
Compatibility All (more or less)
Submission angus@angusm.demon.co.uk
For my money this game offers the best dogfighting you'll find on the
Amiga. Later versions of the game were tweaked to make landing easier, and
this improved things considerably. The Ground Attack aspect of the game is
also well executed, and with practice and re-reading the manual a most
satisfactory mess can be made of the various ground targets. In my view
the first mission disk actually offered the best value, with tanks,
landing vehicles, trains and the MiG 29 fighter, although intercepting the
Soviet Ground Attack aircraft in the second mission was also pretty
enjoyable. The action takes place over a single area, which is not vast,
nor particuarly varied. A head to head option is available, though not on
the second mission disk, and this is great fun.
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