Football Glory
Title Football Glory
Game Type Sport
Players 1-64
Compatibility ECS and AGA versions
Submission Michael Carrillo
Football Glory is a top down view, football game, very, very similar
to Sensible soccer
The game itself has a few options from World cup to European
championships through to domestic leagues. You can even edit your own
club and create your own leagues/cups with as many teams as you like
and either play against the computer or against your friends.
This game at the time set out to challenge the then mighty sensible
soccer with improvements to the gameplay such as bicycle kicks, after
touch and loads of other features, however it was in the humour
department that Football Glory truimphs in, such as being able to be
sent off and punching the ref, streakers, stretcher bearers etc, etc.
It also scores highly on the sound effects to the equivalent
sensi soccer at the time.
OK, granted that most people still regard Sensible soccer as the No1
Arcade /Sim football simulator, but if like me you don't want to spend
ages mastering a football game then you will find Football Glory is
easier to pick up.
It was good enough for CU-Amiga to grant it 95% percent and a
superstar. Unfortunately because Sensible Software threatend court
action over copyright Football Glory was never further developed -
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