
Title		Myth
Game Type	Platform
Players		1

Another golden oldie, revived from floppy-disk death to reside proudly
on a shining silver disk.

This game places you as a Purple-haired Warrior, battling his way
through all manner of Mythological scenarios, from The Hydra and
Medusa, to Harpies, Viking Gods, and all manner of things!

To start off with you are armed only with your hands and feet,
pummeling to death the skeletons (aren't they already dead???) around
you on the first level. As you progress, more weapons are available,
many of which are essential for use against a particular enemy.

Ideally, you will need to know something about ancient mythology to
get things right first time, else trial-and-error will prevail, and
frustration will set in. For example, at one stage you need to pass
Medusa, but she periodically Zaps out energy bolts from her eyes. Not
knowing the story, you may try and avoid them, not worrying too much
if one hits you - you can get an energy top-up later, anyway. Nope!
Medusa turns people to stone with her stare. You'll need the shield
that you found earlier (you *did* find it, didn't you?) to deflect her
blasts until you are close enough to lop off her head!! You can then
use her head as a weapon elsewhere, but I won't spoil it for you. ;)

Myth boils down to an extremely engrossing platformer that still keeps
me occupied. The control system is a bit fuzzy, and unresponsive at
times, but overall this is one of the few games in which I only die
through faults of my own, and not unfair programming. Great fun.

Oh, and if anyone can tell me how to get past the bloke who throws the
Axe (Loki?) and Thor, then it'd be much appreciated ;)


Slightly flawed, yet still a classic - the sound and graphics are
*still* as impressive as they were when it was first released.
The death-sequence is a joy to behold ;)

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