Navy Seals
Title Navy Seals
Game Type Shoot-em-up
Publisher Ocean
Players 1
Compatibility Unknown
HD Installable No
Submission Nikos Andreou
Before I start the review of this game I have to inform you that if
you don't like VERY DIFFICULT games, then search for another review in
the Amiga Games Database.
The game is based on a film with the same name. You control a team of
commandos whose mission is to destroy some missiles that some Middle East
terrorists possess. You do not control all the members of the team
simultaneously but one at a time until you lose a life so the next player
is activated. You start with a weak weapon but you can find rapid-fire
guns and flame throwers during the game. Your aim is to find the boxes
with the missiles and place a bomb that will destroy them. You go to the
next level when you have finished with all the missiles.
It sounds simple doesn't it? Unfortunately it is not. The main reasons for
that is the poor sprite collision, the very difficult control and the
general design of the game that makes finishing a level a very difficult
task. It is very easy to get really annoyed if you cannot do things
properly but stay calm: It's not your fault!!! I managed to finish the
game at a cost of a broken joystick and endless complaints from my
neighbours for the use of bad language...
Navy Seals is a two-dimensional shoot-em-up where your player can move in
a total of four directions. Unfortunately, the scrolling is very sluggish
and your sprite moves faster than the screen scrolls. As a result, it is
very common to jump on to your enemies' heads by mistake, losing most of
your energy, or even worse a valuable life.
The graphics and sound do not need special mention as they are average.
In general the game should be avoided unless you are a fan of the
film or you do not have anything better to do. Overall I cannot give to
it anything higher that 50%.
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