Pinball Prelude
Title Pinball Prelude
Publisher Effigy Software 1995
Game Type Sport
Players 1
HD Installable Yes
Compatability AGA-only
Submission Dennis Smith
A: Do you know where the pinball games are going wrong?
B: No, tell me why you think they miss the mark.
A: They're so intent on simulating real pinball that they completely forget
the added dimension of the computer.
B: I assume you're going to explain what you mean by that?
A: Modern pinball machines are constantly struggling to make greater and
greater technical innovation. With a computer you could do things that
real pinball tables could never do and yet no-one has ever tried--
B: Actually they have but the titles in question are pretty immemorable.
A: But with a computer you could do crazy things like have the ball run
over vermin, squashing them, or teleport around the place; you could
make it suddenly super-elastic, you could put in animated effects that
would never be possible in real life, you could make the ball get
progressively heavier and make parts of the table behave in weird ways,
such as being permeable to the ball in certain areas or you could have
a stream down which the ball could float back to the flippers...
B: You reckon that would make the game more interesting?
A: Well, it would certainly be different. Why not try it and see?
It's difficult to properly sum up the three tables of Pinball Prelude.
They're all completely different. The 'Present' table isn't much unlike
normal pinball tables, but little extras like a cam-corder, mobile phone
and tiny football match (resembling table football, actually) are
incorporated in what would make an expensive table in real life.
The 'Past' table is totally different, most unlike any 'real' pinball
table, resembling a grassy area, bounded by a river, exotic plants and a
cave area, featuring a couple of dinosaurs and the highly unusual splat-
the-rat sub-game. Unfortunately, the 'Past' table is completable, meaning
that your games have a limited span.
The five-flippered 'Future' is the most innovative, featuring a 'drone'
that must be powered up and then sent to recharge the city's flagging
ventilation system while at the same time continually absorbing pollution,
and becoming heavier - yes, the ball gets heavier and heavier until you
send it to the 'cleaner' to strip away all the accumulated environmental
anathema and lighten the ball.
All three tables feature realistic ball behaviour (though it gets very
hectic in elastic ball modes!) and multiball modes. They're all bigger than
the 21st Century games as well, with the table scrolling horizontally as
well as vertically. Although initial appearances are confusing, especially
on the very unorthodox 'Future' table, these are three very fine tables,
only let down by the completability of the 'Past' table. If you're looking
for something a bit different or just new tables to play on, this is well
worth a look.
Category list.
Alphabetical list.