Super Foul Egg
Title Super Foul Egg
Game Type Puzzle
Company Impact Productions (PD)
Players 1 or 2
HD Installable Yes
Compatibillity All
Submission (Joachim Froholt)
Super Foul Egg is a mix between Tetris and Columns. To be more precise, it
is basically the same as a game Guildhall released called Minskies (Except
there are more graphics in Minskies). If you still have no idea of what
kind of game this is (yeah, very likely), I'll try to explain how it works:
You are faced with an open area, shaped like a square (oooh, this sounds
stupid!). For some reason, pairs of brightly coloured blobs are slowly
falling down from the top of this square. These are coloured in different
colours, just how many different colours you get depend on the difficulty
settings. You can control these blobs as they fall down by steering them
from left to right. You can also press the firebutton to rotate them. When
the blobs land, each of them will connect to any blob of the same colour
positioned next to or under it. If four or more blobs get connected to
each other, they will disappear.
The screen is split into two playing areas. You see, playing solo isn't
much fun and because of this you can also play against another human or a
computer opponent (you can decide how smart you want him to be). To make
things even more fun: When you get four blobs to connect, a stone will
fall down in your opponents playing area and just sit there (hopefully it
will get in the way and mess up his whole strategy:)) until he can manage
to remove it by making a blob next to, over or under it disappear.
The first player who gets his area filled with blobs and stones will lose
the game. Fortunately, you can select to play several games (best of
three, etc.) so that this player will get a chance to get his revenge.
I've never found Tetris to be as addictive as everyone says it is. Sure,
it beats a game of solitaire, but to play it for hours? No way. So, I was
quite surprised when I found myself totally glued to this game. Of course,
I now know why: The two player aspect of this game (I mean both two human
players and one human player versus the computer here). What makes this
game so cool is that if you play great, this will have direct consequences
for your opponent and vice versa. If both of you play good, games can last
for ages and both players will have moments where they are close to death
or victory.
To mix in a bit of strategy, the number of rocks you "bless" your opponent
with varies according to the number of blobs you can connect in one move.
If you play well and think ahead you can also create huge chain reactions
which in turn create a shower of rocks on your opponents screen. But
remember to be careful: a lot of those moves can destroy a beautiful
The graphics are stylish and very good looking. Every kind of blob has a
personality and they also look great in their jelly kind of way. The music
suits the game well, and there are some cool sound effects like a "yahoo"
when you manage to send tons of rocks down on your opponent.
Super Foul Egg presents plenty of options to suit everyone's needs. You
can choose the amount of different coloured blobs, you can choose their
speed and you can choose if you want your computer opponent to be smart or
stupid. If you feel like making the game more difficult, you can add lots
of stones in the beginning. Also, you can change the controls if you want
As I've said before, this game is very playable. You don't need to have
any friends to play with either because the computer opponent is very
smart (or lucky), but of course a game between two people is even more fun
than playing against the computer. If you've thought about purchasing
Minskies, I'd really recommend you to try this first because...well, Super
Foul Egg is completely free. You can probably get it from the Internet or
your local pd dealer (I got it from an Amiga Format coverdisk), and it is
well worth getting. You'll love it!
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