Space Taxi
Title Space Taxi
Category Miscellaneous
Author Andreas Spreen
Players 1 to 4
HD Installable Yes
Compatibillity All
Aminet Path game/misc/spacetaxi3.lha
Submission (Joachim Froholt)
I love this game!
In case that exclamation wasn't enough to make you download the game from
the Aminet (It's available for free!!!), here's a review of it:
In Space Taxi, you are a taxi driver. In space. The game is all about
flying around in various single screen 2D landscapes, picking up people
and flying them to wherever they want to go. Think of it as a cross
between Lunar Lander, Gravity Force and, well, taxi driving.
Each level consists of a single screen and contain a number of platforms
which you can land on. When you start playing, some small people will
appear at the platforms, waving at you. If you land near them, they will
board the taxi and tell you which platform they want you to fly them to.
Once you start flying again, a bonus counter will start counting down
from 1000. If you reach your destination before it reaches 0,
you'll get extra points.
The levels are also filled with various traps, switches, doors and other
things which will either hinder or help your progress. The authors have
obviously thought long and hard to come up with innovative features.
For instance, some levels contains deadly balls which chase you until you
manage to land. Other levels contains zones where you can't control your
taxi properly, while some contains magnetic fields and wind.
In addition to all this, you've got to watch your fuel reserves.
Each level has a refuelling platform, but fuel costs. For every unit of
fuel you get, you'll pay with a point from your score. If your score
is at 0, you can't get any more fuel. If you want high scores, you will
have to consider fuel economy all the time.
Several players can take part at the same time (maximum 4). They can
either cooperate or compete. Competing is probably the most fun, but
if your intention is to complete as many levels as possible, cooperation
will be best.
Skill is important in this game. The levels will begin very easy, but
once you start getting used to the controls, you will be presented with
much harder challenges. After a couple of hours of play, there's nothing
you can't do with your taxi. Of course, that's when you get cocky and end
up smashed to the ground...
The graphics are rather good, far above average for a pd game.
The sound effects are very cool. The little people shout "Hey Taxi!",
and tell you where they want you to fly them. Everyone has their own
voice, and if you're tired of hearing them speak in english, you can
make them speak german. You can also include your own sample sets.
The game also includes several small music modules, most of which seems
to be conversions from famous Commodore 64 tunes.
Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what exactly it is that makes this
game so fun. From my description of it, it must sound rather boring.
But I can assure you that SpaceTaxi is NOT boring. It is incredibly
enjoyable, both as a one player game and a multiplayer game.
If you haven't done so already, download it now. If you don't like
it, all you have to do is delete it from your HD (somehow, I can't see
that happening....). What else is there to say?
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