Shadow Fighter
Title Shadow Fighter
Game Type Beat-em-up
Publisher Gremlin
Players 1 or 2
HD Installable Yes
Compatibility ECS and AGA versions
Submission Chris Vella
For the review I will refer to the AGA version.
This game I feel is the best fighting game on the Amiga. It's better than
Body Blows and Mortal Kombat, I even think its better than Capital Punishment.
The game is loaded with options. You can select from a number of different
characters, music/sound fx, time limit, blood on/off, and difficulty level.
What makes this game better then all the rest is the playability. It plays
like a dream. The way you use the joystick to pull off your special moves is
the best method that I have seen so far. Its very easy and is simply a matter
of moving the joystick in sort of a half circle motion, Unlike Mortal Kombat
where you have to remember how many times left, right, up or down. Each
character has a number of moves, all easy to execute and you'll appreciate it
once you try it.
The graphics and sound effects in the game are top notch, and really makes
the game stand out above the rest. The scenery is beautiful and is sometimes
animated. The characters are nicely varied and represent their respective
homelands. The special moves are easy to pull off and are fun to watch the
outcome of. The game is great as a 1 player game but as in most fighting games
you will want to do battle against a friend. The difficulty level is just
about perfect, maybe a touch easy for experienced players but you can set the
options to make the game harder.
The games good points:
Excellent graphics and sounds
The best control method yet for a single button joystick.
Excellent playability.
Great characters and special moves.
Very professionally programmed.
The games bad points.
For some reason the game won't work when installed to my hard drive. I have
heard that if you set the VBR to 0 then it will work, but I don't know what
that means and I shouldn't have to do that. Other than that gripe I don't see
any faults.
In conclusion, I think that this is the best fighting game on the Amiga and
is a must for fighting fans. Forget Mortal Kombat and get this instead, you
will thank me. The great graphics, sound, and playability set this game above
the rest. Buy this game and your money will be well spent.
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