Wild Streets
Title Wild Streets
Game Type Beat-em-up
Players 1
Compatibility 68000
HD-install Patch (http://www.fh-zwickau.de/whdload/), and fixes
Submission Achim Haertel
Your task is to free a hostage, and this means you have to walk through
the city to find him, while beating up the bad guys who appear
continuously. At the start it's rather easy, although it's a bit limited
with only three moves. Also you have a panther as a companion, but on the
way back to your CIA-bureau, your panther is gone and the bad guys do
their best to attack the liberated hostage who follows you, making it
almost impossible to survive.
Music is represented by a simple, but well composed, threatening tune,
though some of the samples are substandard . The realistic outdoor
graphics are nice to look at, stretching over five horizontally scrolling
levels, each one including an end of level boss. (Every level is, in
effect, played twice, there and back). All in all, a game to have some
hours of fun with, but two years from now, you won't remember the game.
Rating: Graphics 85%, animation 75%, music 85%, SFX 70%, handling 80%,
initial gameplay 90%, permanent gameplay 40%, overall 60%.
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