Apex Designs



"Give these people some support!" Amiga Format

Apex Designs
W E B    S P A C E

* 19 September 1999  Added 4 new screenshots of Payback
The Payback page now includes 4 new screenshots to whet your appetite.

* 15 September 1999  Payback press release
Read the press release about Payback that was sent to the major Amiga news sites. Also, the Payback page has been updated with a little more requirements information.

* 8 September 1999  New game announced
Apex Designs are proud to announce our latest game - Payback. It's our first commercial product, so we're going all-out to make it something really special. Check out the details here. Send any feedback and questions to the usual address.

* 4 September 1999  Web site revamped
I finally got around to restructuring the website with a more logical layout. Feel free to e-mail me with any comments.

* 30 August 1999  New e-mail address
My email address has changed - it's now jdaniels@ukonline.co.uk. Any mail sent to my old address will still get to me for the time being, but the address'll be invalid soon, so I suggest you update your address books. PS: Make sure you're using http://welcome.to/apex.designs/ to access the site, because the old address will stop working soon!

"There is a one line proof...if we start sufficiently far to the left."