How to Join SEAL
Updated: 05/01/1999
Wanna join the nutters huh ?
Well the first thing... you don't need to live anywhere near us (in fact, if you're a 'normal' person, we don't want you living anywhere near us....
the further away the better). We have members in Australia, and you can't get much further away than that (well, except New Zealand....
but that hardly counts as a country, eh ? heheh :) )
You've got two choices:
- Become a full member for �30 a year, and get the 'Clubbed' magazine included. That's �2.50 a month for the most sexually stimulating time of your life (ok, well,
not really....but computers are hardly sexy, are they? We have to jazz it up a bit! :). The main benefit of this option, is that you get LOADS of help in person, at meetings or homes,
with other members fiddling and poking about with your miggy's innards. You also get lot's of advice on the phone (and no, we're not an 0898 (sex-line) number....yet :) )
Spouses memberships are free (husbands/wives/partners/sheep (oops) :). Come along to a couple of meetings and see what you think, before you decide.
We'd suggest becoming a full member if you're going to get the chance to come to even a few meetings... otherwise save your money and go for option 2:
- Subscribe to 'Clubbed' magazine, and partake in visual splendour, good fortune and be irrestible to women! Well, read a damn good mag at least. Then you can ask us all kinds
of stupid questions (like when I asked Rob why the 'low level format' option didn't work for me (luckily, as I found out)). You can also write articles, letters and
opinions for the magazine yourself. Let's club the world ! Check out the (non-profit) pricing for your corner of the world on the Clubbed page.
Whatever you decide, send an e-mail to and join the party ! (Comrade)... heheh, sorry... silly communist party play on words...
Damn! Rob and Mick are bitch-slapping me! OUCH! AARGH! Actually, I'm starting to enjoy this :) Hmmmmm... worrying :)