The full pictures are much bigger than the versions on this page, you can download them from the Phase5 FTP site: If you've been hiding under a stone or using a PC (much the same really:) ) recently you won't know that the CyberVision PPC is an add-on graphics card for Phase 5's CyberStorm PPC accelerator boards (it works on the '060 only MkIII too). It features a 3D Labs Permedia 2 graphics processor which has both 2 and 3D capabilities. The Permedia 2 is the fastest chip ever used on an Amiga graphics card by a large margin and that allied with a direct connection to the accelerator and 8Mb of fast SGRAM should give the card stonking performance. A version of the card for the A1200 PPC accelerators is due soon although it will only have 4Mb of RAM. For further details see:
Phase 5's web site Scaling the main pic of the CyberVision against one of the CyberStorm I was surprised how big it is, almost as long as the accelerator. Most of the space is taken up by the 8Mb of RAM. I'm really interested to see the BlizzardVision card which needs to fit the same components (although it has 4Mb of RAM) in a much smaller space. According to White Knight Technology, one of Phase 5's UK distributors, the first shipment of CyberVision PPCs is due to leave Germany on Monday 20th of July, so the first deliverys should be during that week. |