SEAL Members
Updated: 05/05/1999

We have more than 30 members, and here are the papa SEALs.

Mick Sutton (Sicky) - Chairman and Treasurer

Sicky Mick's in charge of the chairs, but is working his way up to emperor of the universe.. :) Sicky`s into photography, and uses Photogenics v2. He`s also a flight sim fanatic, but still can`t land a Lighting (JetPilot) :) Sharon and the Sickster have just had another baby (Ryan)....the Animal! his baby girl (Lara) is only a year-and-a-half old. Well done dude and dudette! The world needs more Amigans ...keep 'em coming (or keep something coming) :) Seriously....well done guys!

Sicky's ecstatically happy with his A1200T PPC, especially since he installed the BlizzardVision gfx card just before X'mas. About the only thing he's had a chance to orgasm over lately are the umpteen million new colours he has to play with and a hyper-burst of speed.

Robert Williams (Rhino) - Vice Chairman and Magazine Editor

Big and horny? As you can tell by his position, Rhino's in charge of getting the prostitutes for us :) Rob`s probably better known for wearing make-up and entertaining people, but in his spare time he`s an html guru (he codes this site) and DTP/Image FX fan. Easy now girls, he`s not in Take That anymore:) Lately he's creaming over Image FX 3.whatever, and hanging out for Photogenics "whatever it will be called" as well. Quake runs like a demon on his 4000/060/233mhz ppc with CyberVisionPPC gfx card.

As you know, Rob's A4000 has now been re-housed in an HUGE Ateo tower. His latest news is apart from entertaining annoying relatives from Australia (surely some mistake...must be kiwi's :), he's been chained to the desk again, whipped by Rusty into overhauling this site, and whipped by himself into finalising the Winter issue (2) of Clubbed, to be sent off to the printer soon. When he's had a chance, he's been experimenting with the wonderful Candy Factory Pro and Opus Magellan II (including the Dopus Plus cd). Expect a review in the mag :)

Gary Storm (rusty) - Secretary

Gary Rusty`s thing is everything, including rubber chickens (allegedly) :)
Hiya all!! Just over a month to go before my wonderful fiance' returns from a year in Australia with her family, from my birthplace (Perth, Western Australia). So I'll have to give up the rubber chickens soon :( heheh. I also have whacked in the BlizzardVision gfx card into my A1200T ppc bla bla bla... WOW! A fast, ultra-colourful workbench, and the web the way it's meant to be seen!! I'll have a proper play around with Candy Factory Pro and other stuff (like WeBVision and ISIS PPC) when I get a chance, as X'mas is the busiest period for the industry I'm in (no...not the SEX industry...although I did work in Soho for a few years :). The A1200 I sent Mandyleigh's (my fiance') family to get connected with has made an addict of Mandyleigh (mainly irc)... expect our phone bill to triple when she get's back:)

Jeff Martin

Jeff Although Jeff's the newest SEAL committee member he's dived in head first helping us improve the production quality of the magazine.

Jeff's looking forward to getting a Blizzard PPC and BVision for his towered A1200, especially after seeing Mick's system at SEAL meetings.

As you can see from his website, like Sicky, he's a West Ham fan!

Web Page:

Martin Miller

Martin Martin's already been doing a great job helping members find elusive software and reviewing it for Clubbed! He's also introduced us to the guys at Underground PD, a local PD house.

Martin's got an A1200 which he's steadily expanding, he's into all aspects of the Amiga scene.

Spencer Jarvis

Spence AKA Mr. Blonde Spence is a graphic artist who has done projects for such tomes as CU Amiga magazine, and does a Lightwave user group as well. Spence has just become a proud father, his wife just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, Jamie. Congratualations to them both from all of us at SEAL.