AmigaActive (109/2347)

From:Andrew Barker
Date:2 Mar 2001 at 09:26:47
Subject:Re: MAC Floppies

If you use a MS-DOS disk on a Mac, it creates a resource.folk folder and
other stuff. Not sure about floppies but it does this on ZIP & SyQuest disks
However, at work, we have expreienced problems with DOS formatted disks,
especially with applications that use the new Navigation Services ;-(

BTW, I've read Mac disks on my normal Amiga drive (Variable speed mac disks
However this is under Fusion.

It's a shame that OS 3.9 does't come with Cross Mac & DOS. Surely they could
make a
deal ?


Andy Barker

Adam Eccleshall wrote:

> Hiya,
> Dauber wrote:
> > --- Nick Knight <> wrote:
> > > I was wondering how using OS 3.9 I can format a MAC disk ?
> > You need Cross MAC and a high-density disk drive. Better yet, use
> > CrossDOS and just use an IBM-compatible disk if you can't do Mac
> > formatting; a Mac should be able to read an IBM disk.
> Yeah, but unless you have a Fat95 compatible floppy filesystem, the file
> names al get badly truncated, and the MS-DOS format can't handle some of
> the characters used in Mac file names. You also lose the resource forks
> of any files saved...
> CrossMac is a much better option, or I think there's a boards available
> to allow you to connect an old Mac 800k drive (uses standard DD disks,
> but like the Amiga drive, needs special control hardware).
> C'ya
> Adam
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