AmigaActive (1287/2347)

Date:16 Mar 2001 at 22:15:24
Subject:Re: who's with Madasafish?

Hello Jim

On 15-Mar-01, you wrote:

> As regards unmetered access I don't think Mad are running a FRIACO ATM, so
> you'll need to sign up with surftime if U haven't already done so. If U
> have it's just a matter of signing up with them, and they'll make the
> necessary changes with BT.

Erm just this one point. As far as I'm aware Madasafish does not use Surftime. I
have checked their website for this I have also EMailed Support just to make
double sure. I'm sure I phoned them and asked them about this some time ago when
I was first looking round for ISP's (I went for plus instead :( ). So if your
still paying for surftime I think you'll be paying twice. I'll let you know the
outcome of the EMail to support just to confirm this though.


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