AmigaActive (173/2347)

From:Nick Darley-Jones
Date:3 Mar 2001 at 00:01:25
Subject:Re: HELP: (test your system) AmigaAmp crashes with YAM, STRICQ etc.


> So far so good. It seems to be working and I'm now wondering if it could
> have been the skin that was causing the problem. This is a real shame
> because it was my favourite 'skin'. I'll re-download it and tell you what
> happens.

O.K. I have discovered something very, very, strange and hope that someone
can now shed some light of this very unusual problem.

After booting, run AmigaAmp and play a track, then run a program like YAM,
STRICQ, or even
WebPlug, that uses MUI and I get an error from AmigaAmp saying that it
failed on a 'DrawTask'. This happens no matter what skin I use.

Run any program that uses MUI (e.g. WebPlug) and then load AmigaAmp and play
a track and all works O.K. Then run another program like YAM and AmigaAmp
_doesn't_ give you an error.

If you the quit YAM and WebPlug and restart them again while AmigaAmp is
still playing you don't get an errors. Even if you quit AmigaAmp and all
the MUI based programs and repeat the first sequence (the one that usually
fails) you then don't get this error!

It seems that if you have AmigaAmp running and playing a file, as soon as
you run a MUI based program for the first time, you get this error. So,
can this be avoided or is it just my system???

Can someone please test thier system to see if the same thing happens there?



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