AmigaActive (2168/2347)

From:Colin Buckenham
Date:28 Mar 2001 at 23:35:44
Subject:Re: This weekends show

Hello Steve

On 28-Mar-01, you wrote:

> So.....we`re only days away from `something BIG(tm)`..what`s everyone
> expecting?
> Here goes my wibble:
> 1. Demo of AOS4.0/AmigaDE `of sorts` on an AmigaONE

A mere firecracker

> 2. Demo of `AmigaDE` on some handheld devices

A simple little plaything

> 3. Plenty of Fleecyspeak (tm) ;-)

Always Expected!

> 4. Excellent game demos with Voodoo3 on G-Rex

A simple aside

> 5. Shogo (Amiga) available to buy....

Is that a pig I see....

> 6. Thorough attempt to shaft MorphOS and it`s developers....

Why? If Amigas products are as good as they will have us believe then they
will have nothing to worry about from other devlopers.

> 7. Boxer board is shown fully built......

No, ....hang on, .......I think that it's a whole squadron of porkers.......

> ..but probably not working

Sorry my mistake, just the usual couple of pork chops.

> cba to think of any more for now
> Opinions?

Whatever the news is I think that it will be truely earth shattering, not
for us Amiga users because we are used to believing the unbelievable, but
to other players in the Digital consumer universe.

What do I think? I think that it will involve a really large player, and by
large I mean largest. A player who has been a partner from the begining,
but someone who wanted this kept quiet for their own reasons. Someone who
would truely benefit from an alliance with Amiga, even more than Amiga
would benefit from this partnership. A partnership where, with the
exception of shared development costs, no money would need to change hands
because at the end of the day between them Amiga and friend would be able
to wipe the floor with the opposition.
What would Amiga gain out of this partnership? A massive back catalogue of
world beating software for free, plus a royalty payment for every unit of
Amiga designed hardware that their partners used.
The partners, what would they gain? Huge increases in royalties from the
extra sales of their software which would surely materialize as a result of
this pact, plus a sure fire piece of hardware to give their equipment the
internet capability that would make their machines even more dominant in
the field.

I may be right, and then again I may be so far off course that I am laughed
off of this list.

It may all be a `Dream' :@)

'Scuse me while I jump back into my straightjacket,..... "I'm coming

All the Best



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