AmigaActive (224/2347)

Date:3 Mar 2001 at 16:33:39
Subject:Re: Cable modem and hub

On Saturday March 03 2001, Don Cox said to Andy Wanless:

DC> However, I can't see a way to set up MiamiDx so that it can use the
DC> Ethernet card for both LAN and the cable modem.

Have no experience with this.

DC> Surely it isn't absolutely necessary to have 2 Ethernet cards for this?

The reason for two cards is usually that the cable modem performs no
filtering, and broadcasts all data it receives. With one ethernet card, this
is whatever passes across your LAN.

Yours may work differently.

DC> I do have a second Hydra card, but no empty slots.

= more computers. You can never have too many computers.

DC> This is the kind of thing Neil might know the answer to?

You mean OtherNeil, of course.

There are too many Neils in the world.

Neil Williams, nOw2? ICQ:18223711 fiydoh 2:442/107
Zeus Developments, comms s/w:

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