AmigaActive (503/2347)

From:Nick Darley-Jones
Date:7 Mar 2001 at 23:53:59
Subject:Re: Apollo super glue?

Hello Graham

On 07-Mar-01, you wrote:
> the noise was the fan on my
> Apollo 040/40 (sounds like it's on it's way out)

This little fan attched to the Apollo runs at about 5 volts. I would
suggest that you run a little 12v and negative feed from the PSU to the new
fan you are about to fit.

& I also noticed how hot
> the 040 gets! (blisters anyone? ), now I reckon the 040 is about the same
> size as a socket 7 chip so a PC fan/heatsink should fit, please correct me
> if I'm wrong,

It's no good fitting a fan unless you can keep the 040 cool enough, these
little babys get pretty darn hot. I would suggest that you buy one of
those heatsink and fan jobbies from your local PC parts shop. I found that
the heatsink and fan used for the K6 series (AMD??) processors are a
perfect size. The only problem is that the heatsink on the one I got is
about an inch deep but the 040 stays very cool (I wonder if it can be
overclocked more!)

> but I was wondering if any of you guys know what the hell
> they used to stick the old fan on with? It seems pretty well stuck down to
> me so if anyone out there has replaced the fan on an Apollo 040 I would
> really appreciate any advice you can give me.

They are stuck down very well with special glue. Be careful when removong
it because you can damage the 040.
The glue that they use is a heat conductive. This is so that the heat
produced by the 040 can get transfered to the heatsick and then cooled by
the heatsink and fan. I wouldn't use 'super glue' as it's a bit dodgy. I
used some silicone sealant (it was all I had at the time) which isn't ideal
but it can put up with most tempereatures. It took a while for it to set
but has done a nice job, and it will be fairly easy to remove if I decide
to change it.

I don't know where to buy the special glue from but I hope I have helped.



G.A.G (Gloucestershire Amiga Group)
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