AmigaActive (596/2347)

Date:7 Mar 2001 at 22:03:41
Subject:Re: slow blizzard

Zdravstvoytye Mark,
In a message dated 06 Mar 01 you wrote to All :

>>> it took about 2 hours to copy 600 mb cd to hd, thats with a
>>> powerflyer gold!!
MK> hi., like i said i`m not using the internal ide port, thats why i got
MK> the powerflyer gold, i asked tony at power computing, and he said that
MK> i needed a blizzard 060, so i got one, but its bugger all faster

FileSystem. FFS is very slow copying big directories.

Buffers. On CD and HD, too low and you can be there all day copying small

The problem here probably isn't the CPU, but other factors.

Neil Williams aka nOw2 - CompSci - Fido 2:442/107 - SysOp of TKG BBS
Stud*nt at -
Zeus Developments BBS software:

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