AmigaActive (80/2347)

From:Adam Eccleshall
Date:1 Mar 2001 at 20:43:06
Subject:Re: ShapeShifter


Nick Knight wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to get Fusion running but after many etempts I gave

Which memory reservation program are you using for Fusion?

> up. *But* I have got ShapeShifter running and have a few questions
> about it.
> 1: Openning Windows and loading programs takes a long time and the
> whole OS is really slow, is this because I'm emulating MAC OS.

What graphics driver are you using, and what settings are you using
(resolution / depth / refresh)?

> 2: How do I get NetScape Navigator working ? ( This is the whole
> purpose of me using the Mac)

Hmmm... the latest versions of NS won't run under SS as they are PPC
only- I think the last 68k version was 4.01, available on many magazine
cover CDs (check Mac Format, .net etc...). I had trouble with it not
liking my Director files- it would always quit when I tried to run one.
IE runs fine, though, and a later version will run on SS / Fusion (I
think I have v5), and it is also available from most Mac cover CDs...

I've not yet managed to get the Amiga and the Mac sharing my network
connection, though (if you're connecting to the internet via a modem and
don't need the Amiga side to have access at the same time, you shoulnd't
have a problem, though)...

> 3: After I've downloaded MAC Programs on my Amiga OS how do I put it
> on the MAC ?

Both SS and Fusion have a means of doing this- one of the directories in
the Shapeshifter distribution has an example mount file to mount the
hardfiles / partitions on the Mac side as AmigaDOS devices. They
require an extra device to be installed in DEVS: (also supplied with the
program), and the mountfile will need to be altered to point to your
hardfile or partition (one line in the mountfile, IIRC). As long as SS
is running, you can run these mountfiles and use the drives as if they
were Amiga disks. There's a command included with Shapeshifter for
changing whether DOS commands like Dir / list etc return the data fork
or the resource fork of the Mac "disk". Once the file is on the
partition, you'll have to use CreatorChanger (installed on the
"utilities" hardfile from the CUCD) or someting similar on the Mac side
to add a Mac File type description to the file, or MacOS won't be able
to use it properly...

If you're connectiong directly to the internet from the Mac side,
though, you're much beter off downloading directly to the Mac partition
through MacOS as this will be handled directly by MacOS itself during
download (at least it was the last time I downloaded natively on a Mac).

> Regards
> -- Nick Knight --

Hope that helps,


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