AmigaActive (812/2347)

Date:11 Mar 2001 at 23:11:17
Subject:Re: there seems to be a lot of pc questions on an Amiga list!

Hello Richard

On 11-Mar-01, you wrote:

> You're absolutely right, of course. Let's face it though, lots of us have
> more than one computer and if you need help on any subject, who are you
> going to ask? Your 'friends' of course!

i understand what you are saying but i am a collecter of classic-vcr's yet i
don't ask video recorder questions on an Amiga list(unless it has somethimg
to do with genlocks or amiga video related programes like scala),certainly
not questions on how vcr's work or how to clean them etc nor do i post
Amiga questions on my vcr list! if this list was set up for Amiga and pc
related questions then you would expect pc questions but as far as i know
this is the AMIGACTIVE list not PCACTIVE.i know there is sometimes a thin
line between what is off or on topic and i'm sure when i go off topic
someone will point it out to me.i'm not trying to pick a fight,i'm just
trying to put my point welcome:-)

-- nobby--
online with AMIGA and secondhandstuff
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modem(temporarily),phillips cm8833-II monitor.540MHD.

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