Blitz (10/81)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:3 Mar 2001 at 23:46:57
Subject:Re: SDSTCP (was Re: Online Updater!)

>From: "Rob Hutchinson" Subject: Re: Online Updater! Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001
> >Yeah, sounds just right.
> >Hey, is Rick Hodger still around? If you are, did you ever do anything
> >with the TCPLib source? When my mig died I was on the way to adding
> >built in server support, I had a 2 way chat program going.
> >And I`m sure there were a number of improvements
> >in the TCPLib that never got released?
> I checked the simpleftp sign of any activity for a while now

I am actually still around...lurking somewhat. Unfortunatly due to some
personal issues and work related issues, I haven't been able to do much
programing on the Amiga, and in the last month have more or less given up

I do plan to release the source code for SimpleFTP, for those of you that
may be interested. Some 4-5000 lines (I forget exactly, it's been 6 months
since I last looked at it) of mixed TCPLib and BSD function calls. With lots
of nasty crap of my own devising that for the most part works (and sometimes
fubar's totally and crashes your machine :)

Remind me to find the source for the TCPLib while I'm at it, and I'll stick
those up too.

Rick Hodger

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