Blitz (43/81)

From:George Davis
Date:12 Mar 2001 at 23:04:46
Subject:Re: Mildred Trouble

Hello Peter

On 12-Mar-01, you wrote:

Wow,fast response! Thanks a lot guys :)

>> Is there any reason why the Mc2p command should mess up when used in Blitz
>> mode? Specifically on a display with 2 coplists.
> Do you have a small vertical space between the two copperlists? That is
> really needed, speaking about copperlists, they should have a small space
> between eachother.

Yep,I know.I need a 10 pixel gap normally (with fetchmode 3 and some rainbows)
but even with 20 pixels the c2p still messes up.

> Have you checked the syntax of the MC2PWindow correctly, if you are using
> differently sized buffers/display etc.

I'm afraid so - the bitmaps are the same size.The code is a bit like this -

Mc2pWindow 0,320,143
Mc2p 0,(Mbitmapptr(0,0,2)),addressofbitmap1.l

Musebitmap 2
Mc2p addressofbitmap1.l

give the same result.


A1200T PPC - ICQ:69870305 -
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