Blitz (51/81)

From:James L Boyd
Date:13 Mar 2001 at 18:20:47
Subject:Re: Memorylocation reference question + Intuifont incbining

> You could do something like:
> cmd.s= "Assign Fonts: Ram: ADD"
> Execute_ cmd,0,0

This is in my StatsFuncs file on Aminet, if you want to avoid running stuff
via Execute_ () -- I always did! I haven't tested this since I wrote it, so
no guarantees ;)


; Function : OSAssign { assign name, path, type }

; Author : James L Boyd -

; This function creates an assign and returns True if
; successful, false if not.

; The parameters are the assign name (eg. "MyAss:"), the
; path which this assign refers to (eg. "Work:Gfx/Pics"),
; and the type of assign - True (-1) for Path, or False (0)
; for a Late assign.

; Path assigns are activated immediately, Late assigns
; only activate when you try to use them (saves clogging
; up file/path requesters for a start :)

; I've called it OSAssign to avoid confusion with the BSS command
; Assign.

; Also, the function checks for the existence of the path
; you specify, since you CAN assign a name to a non-existent
; drawer! It returns False (0) if the path doesn't exist.

; Sore Point : Don't know how to remove it, except for :

; Execute_ "run >NIL: assign <assign> REMOVE",0,0

Function.b OSAssign {name$,path$,PathOrLate.b}

If Exists(path$)

Select PathOrLate

Case 0 ; LATE assign...starts when accessed.

If AssignLate_(&name$,&path$)
Function Return -1
Else Function Return 0

Case -1 ; PATH assign...starts immediately.

If AssignPath_(&name$,&path$)
Function Return -1
Else Function Return 0

Function Return 0
End Select

Else Function Return 0

End Function

; demo :

;; NOTE : To remove the assign after testing, go to the CLI and
;; type "assign MyAss: REMOVE" (without the quotes!).

; If OSAssign {"MyAss","SYS:C/",-1} ; -1=path assign...
; Request "","Success! MyAss: is assigned to the SYS:C/ drawer!","OK"
; Else Request "","Couldn't assign MyAss: !","OK"
; EndIf

; End


See ya,

James L Boyd,
Connected from Fife, Scotland.

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