Blitz (66/81)

From:Donovan Reeve
Date:13 Jan 1978 at 15:33:10
Subject:Re: February mails

On 11-Mar-01, David McMinn flashed:
>Donovan Reeve says the moon is made of cheese, but it's actually made of Re:
>February mails

>Anyway, if you are willing to send them, just forward all the mails which
>you received/were sent from (or around) 1st Feb to 15th Feb (inclusive).

Oh oh! I am terribly sorry and embarassed, but I went to get together
the files you need and discovered to my chigrin that I have an even
bigger hole in my archives than you do. I have been just reading the
messages and not paying attention to the dates on them but now I
discover that I recieved nothing (from anywhere) between Dec 28 and
Feb 19. :(

As I said before, I was unable to get my Email for 3 months.
I don't know what happened on my server in the mean time... the whole
thing was very wierd.


cacha later,

Donovan Reeve (

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