Blitz (72/81)

From:Thorsten Will
Date:22 Mar 2001 at 22:11:47
Subject:CrmDecrunch ??

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Subject.....: "CrmDecrunch ??"

Does someone have any docs and examples for the "CrmDecrunch"
Command? Maybe you can help me...

At the moment i use following in my program:

adr.l=Addr BitMap(1) ; Get Address of Bitmap(1)
NPokeL ?bpladr,adr ; Replace GetReg/PutReg

LEA GfxData,a2 ; Read Label of GfxData

I use three labels... Any Incbin of Label is unpacked exactly
163.840 bytes...

Now i want to pack any of this three incbins with CrunchMania...
There is a Command to decrunch the stuff... But how does it
works? Do you have an example for my code which will decrunch
the data of label to any buffer and after that... I read the
next label and put this decrunched data again in the old
buffer...!? Hope u understand what i mean...

Many thanks to all...


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